Versailles and Chameleon, and Ocelot
The Colchester Inn and Carlisle
Ive still got the matchbox from every spot
We shared a drink, a touch or a smile
Ive got a special drawer where I keep the whole batch
We really collected a slew
And every time I strike a match
I burn a little more for you
Volare, Vincenzos and Rosemarie
Capuchin, Bridgets and Liszt
Each little keepsake holds the key
To rekindling times I have missed
When does a reminder become a regret,
I reflect every time I review
I strike a match, and light a cigarette
And burn a little more for you
I eat alone now, I dont even care
I grab a business card at the door
I dont see matchboxes anywhere
Cause nobody smokes anymore
Nostalgias a killer, traditions dont last
Everyone finds something new
These keepsakes will soon be a thing of the past
And what will all the matchmakers do?
The box for Pistole is empty now
And so is the one from Kabul
A couple sticks left in the one from Teng Chau
Only three or four boxes are full
When I get to the last match, Im going to quit
I know what Ill do on that day
Kill the lights
Take the last match out
And get it lit
And watch while the flame dies away
©2003 Z. Mulls
This lyric is registered with the U.S. Copyright Office as part of the collection THE COLLECTED LYRICS OF Z. MULLS Volume One 1995-2006
Basic torch song. Using the names of fictitious restaurants gave me a lot of rhyming leeway.