The coffees getting cold
The papers on the table
Spreading out across the great divide
The mornings getting old
The atmospheres unstable
I saw you at the window teary-eyed
I want to talk it out but you silently refuse
Burying your face between the pages of the news
Wake up, its the morning edition
Hard-hitting headlines and sins of omission
Wake up, its the morning edition
Whos being hated and whos being hurt
Who likes to flatter and who likes to flirt
Dishing up all of the dirt
In the Morning Edition
I scan the daily screed
I finish up the letters
Criticisms, grievances and rants
Thats all you ever read
Complainers and regretters
Victims of the usual circumstance
Everyone has complaints and never lets them go
Simmering in anger, letting everybody know
Wake up, its the morning edition
Compromise offers and shifts of position
Wake up, its the morning edition
Checking the bargains at grocery stores
Checking the tribal and trivial wars
Checking the minor league scores
In the Morning Edition
I read about a trial
I skip right past the column
Delivering advice to lonely hearts
And no one cracks a smile
And everyone stays solemn
Crying at the funnies and the arts
I read the news each morning and Ive noticed something strange
The details may be different, but the stories never change
Wake up, its the morning edition
Guns of resistance and acts of sedition
Wake up, its the morning edition
Where theres a champ there is always a chump
Sales that were soaring are starting to slump
Full report after the jump
In the Morning Edition
Wake up, its the morning edition
Stark consequences and tears of contrition
Wake up, its the morning edition
Someone transgresses and somebody sues
Someones the subject of awful reviews
Everythings yesterdays news
In the Morning Edition
©2006 Z. Mulls
This lyric is registered with the U.S. Copyright Office as part of the collection THE COLLECTED LYRICS OF Z. MULLS Volume One 1995-2006
Like Elvis Costello in a country vein (i.e. The Delivery Man songs)