Hey You
Buying a drink
And looking for some action
Yeah You
Starting to blink
While Im issuing you an infraction
Youre not getting off with just a warning
Youre detained until the early morning
Let me read you your rights
And put on my flashing lights
Im gonna have to book you
Im gonna run you in
Im sorry I mistook you
(With those) dimples on your chin
The judge aint gonna be impressed
(With the) excuses you invent
But you are under house arrest
For Flirting With Intent
The witnesses are lined up
Get ready for your trial
A dozen experts signed up
They saw you flash that smile
Dont act all innocent and coy
As if you could prevent
(The) conviction of that naughty boy
Whos Flirting With Intent
Youre gonna be found guilty
So dont you cop a plea
So what if youre found guilty
That dont worry me
Ill make a few rash predictions
Youre gonna love my restrictions
I like a man with convictions
As youll see
I saw you and I vowed you
Would suffer for your crime
Youll get the max allowed you
And have to serve the time
Youre gonna shake and rattle and roll
Until we both are spent
And you will never get parole
For Flirting With Intent
But youre the type wholl go astray
Refusing to repent
Ill re-arrest you every day
Ill keep a detailed dossier
Ill haul you in without delay
For Flirting With Intent
©2005 Z. Mulls
This lyric is registered with the U.S. Copyright Office as part of the collection THE COLLECTED LYRICS OF Z. MULLS Volume One 1995-2006
Another song where the title clicked and I had to write a song on it. This is one of my "Frishberg" type lyrics -- heavy on the wordplay with a strong jazz influence.