Take a ride with me
Im done with the old routine
Take a ride with me
To places Ive never been
What will we discover
I have no way to know
Come take a ride with me
And see how far we go
The horizons beckoning
Ive got a new car and a license to drive it
Got the sense of adventure
I had as a kid and its time to revive it
Im finally ready
Im smiling and Im sure
Why dont you come along with me?
And see what the world has in store?
(repeat chorus)
What are you waiting for?
Cause here comes tomorrow, the dawn is still breaking
I have so many questions
The answers are out there, all ours for the taking
Lets find out together
I hope that youre prepared
Its a brand new experience
Thats crying out to be shared
(repeat chorus)
I put my top down
My motor is purring
Better buckle up
Cause something is stirring
Start in first gear
But soon well be racing
Well be breathless
And eagerly facing
The dreams we are chasing
(repeat chorus)
©2006 Z. Mulls
This lyric is registered with the U.S. Copyright Office as part of the collection THE COLLECTED LYRICS OF Z. MULLS Volume Two 2007
A composer is currently working on this. It was originally developed for a young singer, who lost interest in the project, but the song will be completed and demoed.
This is supposed to be for a 15-16 year old teen idol. It can be perfectly innocent, of course, but if you want to read into it a theme of sexual discovery, well, thats your problem.