YOUR NAME (2007)
Your name
Its on the tip of my tongue
I want you on the tip of my tongue
Thats not wrong
Should I say it?
Should I say your name?
Your love
Its on the top of my mind
Youre holding on inside of my mind
And I find
I dont know it
I dont know your name
Your name
Is the key
It to me
Your voice
Is singing one of your themes
I thought I heard the last of your themes
And it seems
You dont know it
You dont know your name
Your name
Is the key
It to me
©2007 Z. Mulls
This lyric is registered with the U.S. Copyright Office as part of the collection THE COLLECTED LYRICS OF Z. MULLS Volume Two 2007
Another dance floor song for a female singer.
Hopefully the lyric is mysterious enough to still be interesting.