Twelve steps Ive taken
Most of them with you
Twelve steps Ive taken
None of them as hard as this
One step youve taken
One step too far
Walking back to the abyss
Dont make me watch you
And ask to hold my hand
Dont make me watch you
And think that I can bear your load
No one will watch you
No one will see
Walking back that well-worn road
Twelve steps, no return
Will we ever learn
I see the light up ahead
I have a light in my heart
I see your light going out
Leaving you in the dark
I am a sinner, baby
I know the pain you feel
I am a sinner, baby
I know the shame that you keep inside
You are a sinner
Lost to me now
Walking back against the tide
Twelve steps, no return
Will we ever learn
©2006 Z. Mulls
This lyric is registered with the U.S. Copyright Office as part of the collection THE COLLECTED LYRICS OF Z. MULLS Volume Two 2007
Two lovers in rehab -- one is making it, one is backsliding.
The joy at recovery is mixed with the pain of seeing a loved one recede.
I think the way I have this laid out, its 12-13 bars, so theres have to be three-four bars of just vamping.